Cigarette Lighter spark detection using headphone jack

This is part-III of the post series on detecting electromagnetic waves using headphone jack. In this we capture the EMW that emanate from the spark gap junction on a lighter. This is analogous to our gas lighter experiment but conducted at a smaller scale.

Screenshot from 2017-06-07 11:41:35

We say that this is analogous to the Gas lighter experiment because the waveforms obtained are extremely similar in nature.

Screenshot from 2017-06-07 13:35:47


Check out:

Part – I – Lightning detector using headphone jack 

Part – II  – Detecting switching ON/OFF tubelight with a headphone jack


3 thoughts on “Cigarette Lighter spark detection using headphone jack

  1. Pingback: Lightning detector with a simple headphone jack | The hacker Diary

  2. cool – any idea how to get rid of the body as [antenna, receiver…]
    would be nice to have a detector for a thunderstorm to close some windows


  3. Pingback: The headphone jack meets an actual spark gap! | The hacker Diary

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